Leopard taking it easy in Yala National Park, Sri Lanka

Published: Saturday 03 January 2015

At last, I can stop seeing spots before my eyes. I got there in the end and it took a lot longer than I expected AND I did not give up but it was a close thing. At least twice I had to walk away to avoid the painting going in the bin unfinished.

I tried a different approach this time with the background, a much softer effect, less fussy and less detail. Glad its done and I can move on to another subject, may be I can get back to my water buffalo painting that I started before the leopard – for some strange reason I thought the leopard would be more exciting to paint – I think ‘more exhausting’ would be a better description. At least now i have some practice in for the ‘big cats’ I hope to see and photograph in the Maasai Mara in a few months time.
